Welcome to the
Health Zone
Designed for individuals
DESIRING Happy Healthy Immortality...

WHAT is MY life and health
worth to ME and my loved ones?

What is "truly valued", is care for properly.

How wisely am I caring for my life and health?...
Do I care for myself as much as I do my money-making endeavors?

The LIFE and HEALTH we inherit are GIFTS... very precious gifts... BUT as yet,few individual and social consciousness have ascended to the attention level necessary to provided these valuable treasures with the Tender Loving Care that Life and Health deserve and require to KEEP...

We WILL conquer aging and extend human lifespan indefinitely... We must each DO our part to make it soon enough FOR our self and our loved ones!!!!!! -- DREAMS and PASSION are required for manifesting any desired results... SO START DREAMING and GET PASSIONATE about healthy immorality!!!

Comprehending WHY and HOW to RECOGNIZE the worth of these precious gifts of life and health, require being HONEST and often being BRAVE... When we are clearly honest, often the knowledge discovered will appear contradictory to currently accepted beliefs; thus staying true to new discoveries requires Courage to stand in a place of being different from others in our current environment, and holding steadfastly to ever-more enlightenment and ever-better options in functions and forms that are more aligned with protecting life, health, happiness and all other expressions in Art of Living Paradisiacally In the Here And Now ... Exchanging current viewpoints for ever-better viewpoints IS how energy transmutes any current function and form for another function and form... When conscious awareness that ALL is Energy, then Honesty, Courage, and all Paradisiacal Expressions occur with Grace Elegance and Ease.

Health, Longevity, and even Immortality, revolves around PRESERVING OUR LIFE FORCE by providing a healthy energy terrain...

Thomas Edison observed:
" The doctor of the future will give no medicine,
but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame,
in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."

Wallace Wattles observed in Chapter 16 of The Science Of Being Well... "This is the whole thing in a nutshell: Make yourself one with Health in thought, word, and action, and do not connect yourself with sickness either by thought, word, or action."

These comments reflect comprehension of energy, energy trasmutation, energy undifferentiation and differentiation, and experience with energy expressions... Energy Attention (consciousness, focus) attracts and facilitates transmutation of energy into function and form (energy differentiation and expression) aligned with NOW Attention... Although all Energy is NOW Energy, HumanBeings (a differentiated energy function and form) evolved a Brain Organism with various energy transmutation abilities so as to "communicate throughout energy".... A favorite ability being using methods for Lineral Patterning Of Expressing Finite from Infinite (a/k/a Time-Frames, Time-Lines, Events, Experiences, Language, et cetera) for Memory and Communication within Energy Expressions Current (NOW) Attention (current beingness) to attract a next NOW Attention that attracts the next finite Now, on and on transmuting from infinity in finite, for ever and ever and ever... adnauseam....

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As yet FEW consciously realize that an individual, family unit, or culture is actually practicing EITHER the: Art of Living OR Art of Dying!!!!

For a human being, The Art of Living requires a person's thought and mental attitude to be completely aligned with "joyous healthy living"; which involves healthy choices in how, what, when, and why he or she eats, drinks, breathes, and sleeps. Since these are within the Realm Of Free-Will Choice as to whether or not TO DO that which empowers "life and health", it's therefore vitally important to BE in-spirited to learn health's certain way and eagerly perform these voluntary functions. Providing this wisdom and inspiration to take the path of least resistance by using nature's way, is the intent of information offered within the Health Zone.

The vital aspect of Nature's Way is to learn how to PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR WHOLE BEING with the relaxed attitude of gratitude, trust, curiosity, and divine love. It requires NOT being pushed around by habit, fear, anxiety, social customs, other people's schedules and other people's ideas about what is good for you... For instance, a KEY factor in biological life is to consume food only when there is EARNED hunger, and never eat at any other time... Usually this accomplished by consuming SMALL amounts of whole raw foods as work is done (i.e. snacking, grassing)... But in most cultures large "meals" are served and consumed at regular times without concern as to whether or not the body actually needs and can use the energy within this large amount of foods... If energy is not fully extracted, then the food gets stored in the form of "fats" for later use. Unfortunately this stored fat seldom gets called upon at a later time, resulting in Morbid Obesity... Most "eating" is done by habit, without conscious discernment as to the consequences.

We're the first generation in many centuries to HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE LIVING LONG ENOUGH to reap the LONG-TERM destructive consequences of anti-life and anti-health choices...

We're the first generation to have the COMMUNICATION TOOLS to sound A GLOBAL ALERT AND WAKE-UP CALL about the worth of Life and human created dangers to Life...

We're the first generation to have the ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS to EMPOWER ENOUGH OTHER PEOPLE to simultaneously DO what is required to perpetually perserve our Life Force and Optimum Health....

As you consider getting onto Whole-Life Health resulting from Deep Breathing of Clean Air, Drinking Pure Water, Doing Whole Body Movements, Consuming Raw Whole Foods and Superfoods, all done with the Attitude of Gratitude, it's wise to realize that you might have to make SOCIAL adjustments that may be uncomfortable.... You may decide that you would rather have friends and eat sugar... It is YOUR choice, but just recognize that BOTH you and your friends would be abandoning facts, reason, and good health.

IF you're seeking to connect with others of LIKE-interest: You're welcome to join the Safe Network for a weekly conference call about the benefits of wholefood and healing yourself. Hear the lastest news and research information about whole food nutrition, weight loss and more. If you have questions about the whole food products or the business our team will be there to support you. Invite a friend....

DO you HAVE the COURAGE to hear the facts and act to SAVE yourself and loved ones??????

Pioneers quickly learn the SAFETY wisdom of TEAMplaying and networking with others who also have AWARENESS of the treasures awaiting being discovered and claimed...

To prove the point... Shall we begin this adventure with some major HONEST observations about humankind?...

It's "economics" that determine WHAT the majority are exposed to... FINALLY, thanks to CONSUMER Driven Network Marketing, TRUE health care knowledge, products and services are becoming more and more known about and made readily available...

"Businesses savvy enough to determine what the baby boomers want will catch a wave of consumer demand that will be the ride of a lifetime." -- The Baby Boom by Cheryl Russell

Human beings possess the ability to learn how to make personal choices about factors that enhance or harm the state of being, which literally means that: "Health Care is Self Care." ... "Dis-ease is Self-Inflicted" ... This is where communication/information blocks occur... There seems to be unwillingness to acknowledge or accept responsibility for how creation power is applied... "It was done to me as a child." .... "It's inherited." ... There seems to be plenty of excuses and blaming others, but few reasons for taking on the challenging tasks of SELF-EDUCARE.... Let's take up what can easily be a joyous self-educare adventure...

Creation Power Wisdom easily flows within a civilization enjoying longevity.... BUT on Earth, prior to the END of the Second World War in the mid 1940s, LIFE usually ENDED sudden and at an early age... Constant Tribal Wars and Swift Killing Diseases DESTROYED LIFE before human beings achieved consciousness of THEIR OWN INNATE WORTH... Few lived long enough to gain to acquire Creation Power Wisdom... When such maturity and wisdom were gained by a few, there were not communication tools to widely share the knowledge with others...

Plus, throughout the ages, there has been MASSIVE FEAR of Enlightened Ones... SUCH fear incites destroying of the highly evolved Life-Form... Most of humanity knows about the killing of Jesus Christ for daring to spread Truth... He dared to reveal that Human Beings are a Spiritual Being using a physical body... He dared to recognize slavery and speak of the Liberating POWER of LOVE for self and others... Reportedly he came that we might have LIFE, and have it more abundantly!!!

For many, talking about life and health is like: Casting pearls before swine, who have NO ability to recognize pearls as having any WORTH... WHY would we expect an animal bred to be slaughtered for food, to view anything but fattening foods as having any worth?... Why would human beings bred to be slaves and killing machines view life as having any worth???? ....

Genetic and acquired "programming" (memes) determine WHAT IS WORTH protecting and providing with proper care.

I remember as a young child setting in church Sunday after Sunday hearing I was born a worthless sinner... This programming BLOCKED awareness of THE WORTH of MY LIFE... Fortunately, enough encounters with people who understand the LOVE-message OF Jesus, repaired damage done by competitive religions ABOUT Jesus... Finally love AWOKE IN my consciousness THAT I AM WORTHY of having life and its abundance, which are what Jesus said he came to give!!! ... In fact, self-valuing and appropriate self-care ARE the greatest gifts I can give in return for the gift of life... Being raised in the post World War II Era of processed refined preservative-laiden foods that had long-shelf life, I was actually surprised to discover that: Simply CHEWING whole-foods to liquid form, is the basic and easiest method to protect our Life Force gift.

ESSENTIAL Resources to consult are:

Science of Whole-Foods and Super-Foods

Do you know about the awesome health care power of TNT -- Teleological Nutritional Targeting? --- Teleological is the study of design or purpose in natural phenomena.

Are you aware of the cell-care values in Super-Foods? ... THE MOST VITAL MEGA superfoods are Acai, Mangosteen, Goji, Noni and super greens like Spirilina, super blue green algae, sea vegetables, kelp, dulse, alfalfa, barley and wheat grass (juiced or powered), and spinach ...

Fortunately now it is very easy to buy superfoods... The side menue of the Health Zone lists several sources...

So far, most who become aware of how precious their life force IS, often get stuck at the IF ONLY level of REGRET and "I know, BUT_____" excuses..... IF ONLY I'd known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of my health.... IF ONLY I'd known how much fun it was to be rich, I'd have taken care of my physical and mental health WHILE amassing money and comfort items, so I could enjoy the blessings longer... Sounds great for the lucky few, but can't happen for me... Could be right, but gotta die from something.

This type "defeated negative thinking" results because: WHO really wants to live forever in a world filled with suffering and dangers?... (There has to be SOME escape portal; death is preferred to eternal living in hell on earth.).... Lack of HOPE that we can clear-up the mess humanity created, causes many to GIVE UP, live in silent desperation, and DIE a horror death...

Thus our first tasks are to accept the gift Jesus of Nazarath came to give us: LIFE and its abundance. (Re: St. John 10:10) ... Then DO as Jesus did, INSPIRE HOPE, followed by empowering confidence in self and others, that WE CAN BE and DO what ever is required to KEEP Life abundantly... LEARN THEN APPLY the knowledge; which is easily done by joining with others who are learning HOW and then broadcasting the life empowering message globally..... also in St. John 9:25 is recorded "... whereas I was blind, NOW I SEE..."

Please allow light to remove the dark-blindness and welcome sight that sees the truth that sets us free...

Then connect with others who have acquired sight, and are doing what is required to protect and preserve the GIFTS of LIFE and HEALTH...

After reading this far... how much MORE important are MY answers to the beginning questions?

WHAT is MY life and health worth to ME?

WHAT is MY life and health worth to my loved ones?

The VALUE placed on life and health determines...

WHAT ARE the factors of happy healthy longevity?....

WHAT ARE the factors of Youthful Healthy Immortality

WHY do I have the conditions I NOW experience?

HOW do I set the course to get into
streams where health, longevity and immortality treasures flow? ...

WHERE can I acquire accurate information
and learn to do appropriate actions,
SO there are NO regrets later????

HOW will I know IF what I'm doing
IS what MY body actually needs?

Answer to these questions and many more, materialize while participating with this Health Zone portion of the Solutions Unlimited Network's Internet University... To speed up the answer process, let's collect a few more vital factors...

The FIRST and MOST important Health-Care factor is: Clear understanding of whether Personal and Body Politic CHOICES are aligned with LIFE-Style or DEATH-Style...

HEALTH is inspired and anchored at the MENTAL Level... To HAVE health, first get the Health CONSCIOUSNESS... WHERE attention IS focused, is where the care is given.... THE DESIRE to stay young and live forever requires having a LIFEstyle-worldview which is 100% supportive of the anti-aging immorality goals.... COULD immortality be a reality??? ... From Creation Power Wisdom, there is a fact I know for certain... ONLY WHEN consciousness is focused ON a possibility can such take on potentiality, and then by accurate choices be manifested into actuality... This wisdom easily flows from study of information in "The Science Of Being Rich" and "The Master Key System".

At this time, MOST choices are aligned with DEATH-Styles... As a result, many people suffer from excess body fat, and other undesirable body conditions; THE ROOT CAUSES of which are CELLULAR DEHYDRATION AND STARVATION, toxins, or combination of ALL... These set up a domino effect that creates chaos in systems of the body, resulting in metabolic and hormone imbalances that are life-endangering, ending in either a slow or sudden death... The fastest process to SAVE our life and restore health, is by using Energized Water and MEGA Super-Foods as part of getting into a LIFE-Style alignment where the immorality way of living works FOR ME because IT has seamlessly, completely integrated into MY daily art of living process with a religious zeal that supports MY natural instinct for self-preservation.

The most VITAL factor for having Happy Healthy Longevity is conscious connection to the state of mind that DESIRES to be happy, have optimum health, and live eternally... Passionate Desire aligns the brain with seeking out WHAT actions are required to manifest the desire, AND supplies the sustaining motivation to DO the necessary actions...

WHICH do I believe?...

Belief determines WHERE consciousness is focused.... WHERE consciousness is focused determines WHAT manifests...

WHAT IF physical immortality IS possible????
Would I do what's required to have it?


VITAL factors including learning about whole-foods, Super-Foods, Cell-Foods and bioREgenics, metabolic INefficiency knowledge, and products that make you biologically younger.

Another factor is providing the fiscal body with that which manifests health... which includes the vital aspect of connecting with others also seeking the Financial Wealth aspects of Happy Healthy Longevity and even Immortality... Financial Wealth is easily to acquire when thinking and acting in the certain way that produces the desired result... Obtaining this wisdom is easy to acquire by attending courses at An Ever Better World Internet Academy.

Another VITAL factor is to learn about what is SAFE ... (won't harm life or health) and DO or USE only what is SAFE... What isn't sought, can't be found...

Another VITAL factor is acquiring basic understanding about the various life-sciences and "life".

Another VITAL factor is understanding the basics about pH, ANABOLIC and CATABOLIC processes.

PLUS... Individuals WITH EXCESS body fat, and-or weak muscle strength and tone, require additional focused attention to address these conditions... Those ready to DO the required Insulin-Glucagon Control and other Vital Actions, can begin immediately by entering the "Fat Be Gone MAGIC Zone" where this area of information is offered... (NOTE: MANY of these actions are essential for Healthy Longevity, EVEN IF excess body fat is NOT a current challenge, so please protect your body by also studying this subject IN BOTH THIS HEALTH ZONE and THE FAT BE GONE ZONE.)--

Death is NO mystery... Death can occur ONLY when what supports life is removed... Thus to KEEP LIFE requires preventing what supports life FROM being removed... to KEEP HEALTH requires acquiring what supports health.... The absolutely most essential aspect to sustaining life is insuring Molecules Always Get Information Correctly... For this DNA and RNA requires cells taking in sufficient pure water...

For some, Life and Health are their most treasured Wealth; thus they DO what is required to have these treasures... (RE: Forever Young Society)

By curing "The Aging Syndrome", we cure all the dreaded killer diseases. In one bold, brilliant stroke...."The best way to fight Alzheimer's is by getting to the cause of aging. If we stop Aging, we stop Alzheimer's." - The Immortalist Manifesto

But, it's a sad fact that at this time, for most people: ONLY WHEN Personal Financial Wealth is directly attached to their Personal Life-Health and the Life-Health of the planet, will HEALTH CARE reign supreme!!! -- This is the main reason why so many health-orientated and ecologically responsible companies adopt "Referral Marketing Models" that financially reward users and advertisers... Linking financial health with physical health facilitates being vigliant over both forms of wealth...

BE HONEST... IS your religion, profession, vocation, and money-generating processes attached to the DEATH-Style or LIFE-Style paradigms?

WHEN our intimate family members are ALSO seriously health care conscious, and also link their financial means to referral marketing of health care projects, THEN MORE wealth streams (loving relationships) develop and continue widening and deepening... Family members working and playing together stay closely and lovingly connected!!! -- Life-long Loving Relationships are certainly among our most treasured forms of wealth.

WHAT EVER VOCATION an individual currently finds their self, it's very wise to link several money-generating streams to companies network-marketing health care products THAT YOU NEED for your LIFE-style and can passionately enjoy.... The Side Menue in the various Zones of this Internet Site list some favorite projects used by members of Solutions Unlimited Whole-Life Wealth-Generating Cooperatives.

There's SO MUCH I desire doing that I must live long enough, and stay healthy enough, to accomplish these desires.... It's this forward looking attitude and PASSION for life and health, that can make potentials for "eternal life" on this planet ascend to actually manifesting... WE THE PEOPLE MUST foment a MASSIVE potent, irresistible Immortalist MOVEMENT... The science for healthy immortality IS ALREADY available... all that's required:

(Companies using Affiliate and Network Marketing ARE helping in BOTH arenas... We WILL conquer aging and extend human lifespan indefinitely... We must each DO our part to make it soon enough FOR our self and our loved ones!!!!!! -- DREAMS and PASSION are required for manifesting any desired results... SO START DREAMING and GET PASSIONATE about healthy immorality!!! )

The Human Body, and the Planet upon which ALL Life and Health depends, each has a built-in blueprint for optimum health AND eternal life... Our responsibility is to provide that which allows the body and the planet to do the work of the plan...

The major responsibilites are:

The Master Keys to Healthy Longevity are M.A.G.I.C. =

Manifesting Agape Graciously Into Consciousness

Making Air Globally Impeccably Clean

Metabolically Appropriate Glucagon Insulin Control

Molecules Always Get Information Correctly

These Master Keys unlock Gateways to Happy Healthy Immortality and for living within Micro and Macro Paradise on the Planet.

The tasks required to HAVE Happy Healthy Longevity, like parenting, ARE the very factors that often involve the most challenging tasks; but which later turn out to have manifested what are the MOST treasured results... It's common to hear parents who work away from home, talk about regretting not being with their children for their child's first steps, first words, and the vast amounts of "firsts" delightedly experienced by the child… How often have we heard the elderly say something along the line of: If I knew THEN what I know NOW… how different my memories would be… how much better my health and lifestyle would be... how much better the health and lifestyle of my loved ones would be... I wish I'd spent MORE time with and doing the really important "things"!!! --

Solutions Unlimited Networking and Whole-Life Wealth-Generating Cooperatives are Information Sharing Networks that facilitate KNOWING NOW about treasures that can be manifested... Together we acquire, and then spread, the knowledge about the many aspects involved in happy, healthy longevity...

Happy Healthy Longevity MAGIC can manifest when consciousness ascends to the degree that allows the components for this condition to be provided...

Consciousness has a very broad range of degrees... Information about consciousness is presented throughout the zones in this Internet Site... The easiest and fastest access is via interactive study with the "The Science Of Being Rich" and "The Master Key System".

To learn how to STAY IN the Healthy Longevity Zone, let's first ascend to the Degree Of Consciousness that allows life and health to exist...

Ponder whether "life" can exist without any "doing"... For a quick coached learning experience... Imagine yourself lying down on the ground completely still... no movement... no breathing... How long would "life" be in my body?

What if I did the work of just breathing, but did NOT do any of the work required to take in fluids or foods? -- How long would "life" be in my body?

It's very quickly self-evident that which we term "life" requires some predetermined actions to occur for this condition to exist and be sustained... The first task of any being in which "life" dwells, is DO what's required to KEEP "life".... As we ponder this fact, it becomes clear that this principle of "Being requires doing to have." exists as the corecept for all desired results or conditions... Life lives first in a body that has a very low degree of conscious knowledge about "life" or its sustaining needs... The forms that "life" can inhabit have within their design code, basic life-sustaining substances and programs that instinctively direct the internal substances to do what is required for life to exist at least long enough for the Being to begin doing the required actions to keep "life."... In human beings this doing according to a "life-sustaining program" is seen in a fully developed newborn's instinctive spontaneous ability to breathe and suckle.

Health follows this same pattern... Each Being develops certain degrees of what we term "health" and the length of time we believe life "should last"... The brain then generates a state of Beingness that corresponds with the program design. --- Whether or not the brain activates comfortable enjoyable feelings of well-being and happy healthy longevity, is more directly related to our beliefs than most are willing to admit... Few have been willing to accept this degree of Personal Responsibility and Conscious Participation in Life and Health Dynamics... It seems easier to accept somebody else's program... It's easier to avoid the potentiality that: Life can remain eternally-expressing in Beings where their substances and organs manifest conditions of health... It's being seen that: What America does, other societies COPY; which has NOT always been wise.... (Americans are NOW the most self-inflicted dis-ease plagued society on the planet.)...

Fortunately with the Internet we can shift attention of the world to DOING that which supports HEALTH... Participating with individuals working to gain and share essential wisdom about healthy longevity is vital to making the learning curve of moving from Disease Treatment to Health Care as easy as possible... Much of the wisdom about Health Care manifests from some very unexpected places; such as happened with discoveries in many superfoods and their naturally occurring antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds...

For those new to Health Care, what has been presented so far might be a LOT to digest and assimilate... Please remember, as we journey together, stay conscious to the Acquired Learning Corecept set forth in the Learning Zone... WHEN clarity of understanding, or manifesting desire results, is LOST... return to the point of clarity and begin progressing again... This process helps to attain and stay at the level of "knowing that I know that I know" automation that is a major time and all other resource saver, without being subjected to dangers within rote memorization... Clarity of cause and effects within the COSMOS avoids operating via inherited information or beliefs that might no longer be accurate for manifesting desired results.... It IS MORE work to BE and STAY healthy; but the results are certainly WORTH the PRICE.

The human race is enjoying an ever-growing ability to understand the self by tapping into advanced technologies and refined research techniques that expand potentials, PLUS WE are MAKING the CONSUMER DEMANDS FOR SOLUIONS to be HUGE... The Solutions Unlimited Network forms the MASS MARKET into which THE BEST OF THE BEST IMMORTALITY WISDOM, Products and Services CAN FLOW ...

It's wise at this point to realize that: (1) Each human being is born in, and most select to attempt to live in, a body which I consciously know NOTHING about. ... (2) Much of what is NOW considered "accurate", could eventually be proven as "inaccurate"... Many things just a short time ago that were ridiculed, or were beyond "belief", are now part of our daily LIFE and DEATH styles... What are some things you now use that didn't exist a few years ago? ... What brought these things into existence? -- The first factors were: Somebody "dreamed about" and then "desired" to have "that thing" manifest.

What do you "feel" when reading the following?...

There is no trick within these questions... They simply offer us a starting point from which to proceed... Comfortable feelings with, or at least CUROSITY about these statements... indicate surfing all areas within the Liberty Zone Cafe can be done with confidence and ease, allowing what works for you to flow into your awareness... and what might not, to pass on by (at least for now)... As each aspect of this Internet University is REPEATEDLY EXPLORED, more and more precious gems are found and collected into our Personal Dream Manifesting Kits... At all times, conscious careful review is required to pick out what to accept or reject according to what is beneficial to a person's survival and healthy longevity... WHEN THERE IS SINCERE DESIRE TO LIVE LONG AND PROSPER... THEN THAT DESIRE CAN MANIFEST... To accomplish this desire, ALWAYS AVOID trying to fit information to "beliefs"... ALWAYS seek to ascend into, and integrate with, reality... Seek to consistently exchange current conditions with ever better conditions...

The main point is that for clear communication and accurate information to flow from non-consciousness to consciousness, or between conscious beings, requires a free-flowing stream. - - A lake polluted with toxins and obstacles that blocks fast-enough-flow of FRESH CLEAN WATER flowing into and out of it, will become stagnate, stinking and dead... so too with consciousness. - - Making CORRECT choices depends upon accurate information accessing and surfacing into fully integrated consciousness... Errors flow out as fresh new knowledge enters...

Wendy Priesnitz observes: “Challenging assumptions is the most important key to success in our educational, business and personal lives, as well as an integral part of the positive social and environmental change that must be made as we enter the new millennium.”

How many assumptions do we make daily? --

  • How much information that I use to guide my decision-making is based on inherited beliefs, that I've just accepted without careful evaluation? ---

  • What do I know that I know that I know? ---

  • WHAT do I know about happiness, health, and biological immortality? -- Are these conditions I seriously desire? --

Among that which I now know are: There IS A BaseLine of Health... Go BELOW the BaseLine, the process for death manifests... Stay ABOVE the BaseLine, the process for health manifests... Many Scientists have validated this... Wisdom about the universe allows us to know that Happy Healthy Longevity and even Eternal Life IS a natural state within a being in a Whole-Life Balanced System... Eons ago, writers of the Christian Bible and other Scriptures, refer to CHOICES and CONSEQUENES within the "Garden of Eden" corecept... Glorious consequences result from staying in the Garden of Eden "Whole-Life Balance"... Unfortunately, history attests that most belief systems prevent this Whole-Life Balance, and discourage individuals from consciously desiring Happy Healthy Longevity... Most beliefs program the brain to cause the mental image of "Eternal life" as achieved beyond Earth, requiring physical death to get to a spiritual "Paradise"...

The first lesson a Being possessing potentials for consciousness, must understand is WHAT the brain is, HOW their brain functions, and WHY it does what it does... In a nutshell... The human brain is a "reality integrator"... The brain is an organ and system that can be accurately programmed as a guide for sound thinking and making accurate choices only WHEN there is clarity about what reality IS and what IS desired... The state of thought we term as "Dreams" provide the attention focus to seek out being, doing and having the "best of the best" (the spirit mind's desire)... Dreams are mental images and feelings (pictures & emotions) used for communication between the mind, the internal body's environment, and the external environment beyond the skin... Dreams are ALWAYS value-productive, seeking "self survival & pleasurable feelings"... To do "dreaming" and manifesting "dreams" requires the human brain to be kept free of contaminating virus and hackers (dream stealers)...

As this point clarity must be possessed that "belief" by a human being does NOT mean that such is real beyond the mental picture, or manifestible into reality... But this clarity should NOT be used to limit the self in dreaming about what could and might be... The more we learn about the "stuff" that makes reality, the more shaping and reshaping of the "stuff" can be accomplished... The most common blocks to understanding this "stuff" are caused by many forms of a belief virus.

To understand the most common virus infecting humankind at this time, read the FREE E-Book Software for the Brain written by Michael Hewitt-Gleeson... A book review by Steve Outtrim offers the following insight....

We live in a society surrounded by software. Not just in our computers: our mobile phones, VCRs, cars, vending machines, even dishwashers are all increasingly software-driven. But Michael Hewitt-Gleeson has taken the concept a step further. In his new book, Software For The Brain, Dr Hewitt-Gleeson argues that our brain can be programmed just as a computer - or a dishwasher - can. Furthermore, he argues that our brains, or "necktop computers", have been infected by a virus, the same sort of virus that computers get infected with from time to time. On my PC I have a virus-scanner to detect and clean-up computer viruses; Software For The Brain gives you a mental virus scanner to help your brain work better. Dr Hewitt-Gleeson argues that Western society has been infected by something he calls the Plato Truth Virus - the idea that there is such a thing as the "right" answer in any given situation. One thing that the Internet quite clearly shows us is that there is always an alternative viewpoint, but we don't get taught this in school, it's seldom understood in the workplace, and just try explaining your alternate viewpoint to a parking warden!

Software For The Brain explains the concept of the Plato Truth Virus, and how it affects our lives, in clear, simple, layman's terms. -- You don't have to understand anything about software or thinking to make sense of this book.

Hewitt-Gleeson then provides readers with a number of mental exercises that encourage you to stop thinking about the world in black and white terms, and instead view thinking as a process of objectively considering a number of alternatives, which lets you make decisions rationally and free of prejudice.

Michael Hewitt-Gleeson differs from other cognitive scientists like Edward De Bono, his former mentor, because he can be succinct. He makes his points quickly, simply, and accessibly, and the result is a book that will expand anyone's mental capacity, and maybe even give you a whole new outlook on your life.

In avoiding a virus or hacker, it's helpful to realize that the "invisible mind" could be defined as a spiritualized conscience connected to the First Source & Center of Consciousness (a.k.a. God, love, spirit, energy source), from whence all was created... The "mind" reveals what is harmful and what is not harmful to the self and all others in the universe... The "mind" is the balancing gyroscope, and the true north compass pointing to the perfecting path... Jesus refers to this spiritual alignment with perfection as being "born again in the spirit".... Neuroware would refer to this as being virus-free and able to reason, evaluate, experiment and adjust to align with reality.

Virus-free Neuroware is essential in the information flooded cyber-space... In a free-access system, each person must accept responsibility for being able to evaluate what has potentials for benefits and what has potentials for harm... Scientific investigation is the preferred method of evaluation, which often proves currently non-traditional approaches to be of genuine value. Unfortunately in the health-care arena, drug-cartels usually can successfully block what they can't patent and market for very high prices. Since scientific validation is seldom feasible, especially for naturally occuring macro- and micro-nutrients, it's up to each of us to stay closely connected to networks where personal experiences can be shared, and be helpful in determining the safety of what's available in the market-place.

WHY is the foregoing information important? ...

As said in the beginning.... Because human beings possess the ability to learn how to make personal choices about factors that enhance or harm the state of being, which literally means that: "Health Care is Self Care." ... "Dis-ease is Self-Inflicted" ... This is where communication/information blocks occur... There seems to be unwillingness to acknowledge or accept responsibility for how creation power is applied... "It was done to me as a child." .... "It's inherited." ... There seems to be plenty of excuses and blaming others, but few reasons for taking on the challenging tasks of SELF-EDUCARE.

What is DONE within the moment is our individual choice...
The collective SUM of individual choices creates the conditions we experience.

Thus the solution is: EACH Human Being learning to know HOW to correctly THINK and WHAT to DO to generate desired results… This is THE challenge each of us face. Achieving the goal becomes much easier when choices cause conscious connection with survival desire, and with our innate self-survival and self-care knowingness... THE word MAGIC can be used to remind us of the PRIME CORECEPT for Eternal Life... Manifesting Agape Graciously Into Consciousness.... Acquiring this conscious connection of SELF-LOVE, self-value, self-worth, self-protection, and honoring the desire for survival and accurate self-care knowledge, seems to be a learned or discovered process... or combination of both... Experience proves that the "agape process" can be retarded or facilitated by parents, our own self, and various aspects in the social system... This is recognition - not blame... We can either ignore reality, or work diligently to acquire and offer information about components within WISE SELF-CARE EDUCARE... Achieving this educare goal requires accurate information about the human body and what's involved with providing appropriate care for the whole person, ALONG WITH inspiring PERSONAL DESIRE to have Happy Healthy Longevity for the self and others.

In undertaking the collection and organization of information for use within Solutions Unlimited Clubs and Cooperatives™, the IMPORTANCE and CONSEQUENCES of BELIEFS and INDIVIDUAL CHOICES is the "constant"... Often when caught up in the joys of living, it's easy to overlook the fact that some individuals do NOT desire to have health, don't want longevity, and shun other forms of wealth... We could spend pages upon pages discussing this; but it's doubtful that enough would be gained to warrant the expenditure of time and energy...

I simply find it wise to acknowledge and stay conscious to the fact that some do and some don't desire all forms of wealth... This helps me avoid the diversions such toxic beliefs and choices might generate. IT IS SIMPLY EASIER to avoid Dream Stealers and anything that could retard or block doing the work necessary to manifest Happy Healthy Longevity, or any other form of wealth.

NOTE: The Liberty Zone Cafe Internet Site was implemented FIRST (before physical local facilities) for Educare Collecting and Sharing, and Connecting with individuals desiring the precious gems on the Menue at http://www.libertyzone.com... IN this adventure stay conscious to the advise in Bible - St. Matthew 7:6 and Revelations 21:21 -- Don't cast "pearls before swine… they can NOT value them and they might turn on you and destroy you… -- It's interesting to note when and how various forms of gems or precious metals are used in "Holy Writings"... i.e. The 12 gates to Paradise are 12 pearls… - - It's TOO FAR beyond the scope of this site to even venture into, but it might be helpful in Self-Educare to consider carefully the "language of appearance"..

In this choice to connect and work ONLY with Dream Manifesters, there is also realization WHAT ACTIONS must be done to prevent Dream Stealers from becoming a majority of the electorate, or gain control of academic and political institutions. If such should happen their harm would be so great as to be unrepairable.... Some believe this has already occurred... At this point, no proof has materialized to validate this belief as accurate... Enough progress is being made in various areas of our life-expression to validate humankind is ascending more into reality that supports the art of living... As an example, review the improvements being accomplished by individuals and projects within An Ever Better World Community. -- In this ascension, the myths are dissolving that once caused actions to default to the art of dying... Humankind is coming to understand that "life" and "healthy states of being" are PRO-active... The default is sickness and death... Jesus attempted to give us this art of living wisdom some 2000 years ago... Unfortunately his practical wisdom has all but been lost in the mystical religions.

Accepting personal responsibility for learning WHAT is involved in appropriate personal health care, and HOW to efficiently do what is required to have health, IS the most IMPORTANT STEWARDSHIP ASPECTS for keeping the precious GIFT of Life... Accepting this free-will choice-making ability and wisely using this gift to preserve Life, is also the highest honor to our Creator, and is the most glorious agape gift possible we can give to our Creator, our Self, our Family, and all else that exists... (This is the reason for the agape kind of love set forth in the First Commandment given to Moses.)

Individuals comfortable with the information so far shared, will also most likely agree that: Actually DOING wise life-and-health enhancing choice-making, deserves a person's conscious attention and full protection.... With this realization comes the wisdom of joining the Whole-Life Liberty Crusade getting free from all forms of toxins, and participating with Solutions Unlimited Projects... For us Pro-Activists... Learning how to do and actually using Creation Power Wisdom are valuable "Rights" available to free-will human beings, and a protected part of Freedom Technology still politically available in some parts of the planet. -- We also realize that our goal is for such accurate knowledge to become part of our AUTOMATIC programming, so that Consciousness can be free to explore more advanced realms of reality.

As a tool for survival, human beings place heavy reliance upon accumulating and passing on accumulated knowledge about what has worked well for manifesting desired conditions... AND for avoiding undesirable conditions. This is the main reason for instituting Solutions Unlimited Success By Association Cooperatives™... The universe appears to function around the corecepts of cause and effect, which formulates a seemingly unpredictable CHAOS of reality that offends some "thinkers", thus it's popular to place the various components of existence into "categories" that can be sorted and neatly labeled. Most have become comfortable putting daily reality into the categories called "logical". For this purpose, all cultures have their "Bible" of sacred recordings about what experiences prove DOES and DOES NOT work well for achieving desired conditions and avoiding what's not desired...

It's becoming common among cultures to endorse the corecept that: What an individual thinks, breathes, drinks, eats, and is exposed to, directly determines the conditions experienced... physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, relationship, health OR disease. -- This corecept opens into the potentials that the universe is a cause and effect COSMOS guided by a life-empowering consciousness, not chaos decaying into destruction...

The Christian Bible offers much information about these factors... For instance... 2nd Samuel 17:28 and Daniel 1:12 mentions high protein and naturally processed foods that have been scientifically proven to be in accord with supplying the best source of nutrients for the cells of the body to use in generating conditions of health and longevity...

"... pulse to eat, and water to drink"... according to the first chapter of Daniel caused Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego to ... "at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat... And after 3 years, in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times wiser than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm." ... So these 4 youths who followed their convictions about wisdom given from God (reality, creator) were in much better health AND much smarter than those who ate the best of the king's food!!!

II Samuel 17: 27-28 relates the choice of "wheat, and barley, and flour, and parched corn, and beans, and lentiles, and parched pulse, and honey, and butter, and sheep, and cheese of kine (cow milk), for David and for the people that were with him, to eat..." ...

In modern terms "LOW temperature air-dried pulse" translates to a SNACKING diet of FRESH Raw Foods that provide 40% proteins, 40% complex carbohydrates, and 20% unsaturated fats... (Remember: ENZYMES essential for our life processes are destroyed at 118 degrees Fahrenheit.)

In modern times, the term "pulse" is used in connection with "grain crops".... From the Bible's usage, "pulse" is a Hebrew term applying to vegetable food pulled or plucked, not reaped or cut, whether roots, leaves, or fruits... and preserved by a unique natural air drying or parching method that maintains nutrients at their peak level, and prevents brittle HARDNESS that occurs in most processes used for drying of vegetables such as peas, beans or corn... The dried foods are mixed into various combinations according their natural design (signatures) for maximum health care ... (what bio-chemists would term as "hormonal balancing foods" and "organ sustaining".)... This unique mixing and parching method used in Israelite cultures renders the dried food crunchy yet easily chewable, and in a whole meal balanced form, easily carried for snacking while working... (Other dehydrating forms required the dried foods to be soaked in liquids to soften into chewable texture, and usually cooked to be eatable... Certainly not convenient for a work-filled life-style.)

Enter this Healthy Longevity Zone by bringing attention to the use of CONSCIOUS choice-making and forgotten concepts like PULSE, Super-Foods, and Essential Protein levels, help focus attention on the AGE-OLD wisdom for seeking out, and the NEW-AGE wisdom of consuming, SUPER-FOODS than contain as much as possible the full spectrum of macro and micro nutrients required by the human cells to accomplish their genetically encoded life-giving tasks... Additional supplementation, such as enzymes, vitamin and mineral extracts, MIGHT not be required IF foods consumed provide what the cells require for healthy life and accurate self replication... An already healthy human body could stay very healthy by focusing mainly on snacking throughout the day RAW Fresh Foods and of course pure air and water... A body not at optimum health can be helped toward this desired result with consuming adequate amounts of air dried orgonic Phi Plus and SOY concentrates such as available from MotherSoy,(Refer to the Side Menue for links to related information.)

Now that the FDA has stepped in, demanding to be the regulatory body of organic foods, far too many people no longer have an interest in the organic movement as such. We watched and saw what happened when the FDA took over inspection of meat products from the Dept. of Agriculture. Do you realize that inspectors pass cancerous tumors to be eaten by humans? Are you aware that influenza, listeria, and ecoli, are now passed by the FDA for human consumption because they believe that it is safe when cooked?

We've joined with others blazing our own trail and have coined the term "ORGONIC". Orgonic means there are no pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, or fungicides used in the growing of our product ingredients - they are not irradiated, they are residue and GMO free. The word "Orgonic" means what organic used to mean.

Orgon Means Life - All life has electric properties. The ion channels in cell membranes cause a voltage difference across the membrane of nearly 1/10th of a volt. If you line up 20 neuron cells properly, you get about a 1.5 volt charge - enough to run a small flashlight! We react to electrical sun spots 93 million miles away, just like receivers of energy measurements do. Electric impulses can mend difficult-to-heal bones.

We are electrical beings - all 76 trillion cells of our physical bodies. Life is electric. Orgonic is the quality of adding life force.

Consuming already proven beneficial super-foods help prevent much of the errors caused by guessing what nutrients the body might need. -- To remove the "guesswork" and allow us to know what is happening at the cellular level so we can determine IF what we're doing is moving the body TOWARD or AWAY FROM Perfect Health, several "testing" methods will be available at An Ever Better World Healthy Longevity Clubs and Cooperative Facilities.

As we advance, there will be home kits for "testing" the body to determine if we're supplying the body with its needed nutrients... Dr. Carey Reams gave us a start with his "Perfect Health Testing System"; but at this time it has become mostly a lost art.... Information about "Reams Biological Theory of Ionization" is available from Another self-testing device gaining ever-wider value detects electrical imbalances within the body, which manifest LONG BEFORE cellular or chemical changes occur…

Our best option for self-testing devices and super-foods are being collected and will be listed throughout the Liberty Zone Cafe Internet Site.

Wisdom directs that we focus on consuming WHOLE FOODS... the human body KNOWS what to do with WHOLE FOODS ... Often we must use EASY TAKE ALONG FOODS such as Phi Plus that facilitate Metabolically Appropriate Glucagon Insulin Control, which as pointed out in the Fat Be Gone MAGIC Zone is the KEY hormonal balancing factor in having health and maximum longevity.

From there, the journey continues into learning about other SUPER-FOODS that provide us with the nutrients required to have Healthy Longevity MAGIC. --

This Liberty Zone Cafe also provides links to other sites with information relative to personal health care...

Please remember the Liberty Zone Cafe and Educare Co-ops are NOT an information monopoly, or know it all guru. This is what corporate government-approved churches and schools have been busy trying to do and be... own all knowledge and by whatever means necessary, force "its version" into the education system. This is the same powerful but flawed logic cognitive operating system designed by Aristotle via Aquinas which amounts to programming the brain with whatever is accepted as "truth" to be taught verbatim. Scholarship becomes mere memorization of the scripturized teachings, known collectively as - The Truth. -- Rote memorization is valuable for learning fixed patterns and facts, but this learning method is ONLY ONE among many methods the brain needs to know how to use to function optimally, and accurately understand and integrate with reality…

THIS Internet University is designed FOR people who KNOW HOW TO THINK and has acquired, (or is eager to acquire) the Authentic Self Thinking Skills required to BE and DO that which will consistently manifest desired results.... IF a person doesn't do their own thinking, others will do it and force their thoughts upon the non-thinker. - In the past, knowledge based assets were limited to considering only what could be listed in tangible accounting ledger. Today's world is operated by technology-enhanced universal network known as the "information-communication super-highway" where all forms of tangible and intangible assets can be used in the accounting method. From this unlimited resource we can dip into the well of wisdom and drink-in vast perspectives and options before making a final choice... Concepts about, and the value-productive worth of, intangible motivating "incentives" or rewards, are coming more and more into conscious awareness... IF positive results are desired from our choices, THEN give rewards accordingly... IF ten times more ever-better results are desired, THEN give ten times more of the desired rewards.

Reflect for a moment of the yield from planting ONE kernel of corn in fertile soil... How many kernals are on an EAR of corn..... From THIS mental image, realization about the AWESOME POWER of giving and receiving flows from common sense, that usually just needs reminding about the basics that worked well for eons, still works... Although we might have to use today's (and then tomorrow's) technology to update the systems using the power, and make it provide today's desirable rewards... What inspires people to healthy survival actions now, is very different from inspiration triggers in the past... OldSell is fast flowing OUT... NewSell is flowing IN...

When it's all said and done, it reduces to... A person either desires happy healthy longevity or not, because the rewards are perceived as worth the effort one way of the other... The choice is simple, clear and non-argumentative... The Liberty Zone Cafe, Internet University,and the Solutions Unlimited Network Local Clubs are for those who desire health, longevity, and all other forms of wealth... AND who are willing to apply the POWER of giving and receiving NECESSARY to acquire the desired results.

In this framework, the "Build Freedom" web site gained high respect from this web-master, and aligns with the same goals as this Liberty Zone Cafe... Inspiring investigation and determining from results what works to produce the desired results... Some causes can be categorized as consistently producing certain results... others can't be so conveniently pigeon-holed... So rather than duplicate efforts, it's suggested to visit their site and glean self-care health-care information from such articles as How To Achieve Super Health ... Information in this article is validated by many practitioners. It provides both an excellent start, and also warrants frequent review, if for no other reason than for gaining some Authentic-Self Consciousness raising rewards...

As you can tell from the Fat Be Gone MAGIC Zone, I'm not a "raw foods" purist... I certainly advocate fresh raw LOW-GLYCEMIC foods being part of a PROTEIN ADEQUATE diet... Because research proves SOYBEANS to be the best form of widely available and affordable complete protein vegetable, use of soybeans received a huge amount of my attention in the research phases... Unfortunately soybeans are most usable in "processed" food formats that can be combined with other foods... Fortunately many forms of processed soybeans... such as Essential Protein powders and some tofu productions... are close to being "raw" without any negatives ... REMEMBER ANY PROCESS that exposes foods to 118 degrees Fahrenheit or more DESTROYS most of the ENZYMES...

ALL Life is an enzyme process... ONLY with proper enzymes can life and health of the human body be possible... For this reason be sure to take Megazyme+ with all NON-RAW foods consumed, and if in poor health also take Megazyme+ in between meals to help restore the body's enzymes storage level. ... It's important to know that MOST RAW foods contain ONLY ENOUGH ENZYMES to digest THAT food... Thus consuming cooked foods ALWAYS require taking enzymes in supplemental forms.

Because most people's body-systems have been improperly feed... now receiving adequate protein is an important factor in healthy longevity... So as to obtain cost-effective widely-available amount of protein required by the human body, use of processed complete protein in a broad spectrum of formats is urged....

In the arena of fresh raw foods, I'm very interested in obtaining information about affordable home-based fresh food production projects --- a/k/a... GREEN HOUSES --- Your help in this information-collection effort is greatly appreciated.... Please e-mail me Internet Site URLs that contain reliable information on creating and using family-style fresh food production "green-houses"... ALSO if you know anybody in this industry seeking a method to expand their sales volume, I have a design already formulated to quickly accomplish this goal... Just put us together... This project will quickly END hunger and mal-nutrition on the planet.

The topic of health and health care is extremely broad, and has been unnecessarily complicated by individuals and industries profiting from conditions that BLOCK health... It's a sad fact that at this time in human history, the treatment of diseases is a much greater generator of money, than care of life and health... Participants in SUNshine Clubs are in the process of changing this paradigm... Projects in our SUN Portfolio generates SERIOUS amounts of MONEY from HEALTH and LIFE CARE and PROTECTION...

In spite of the surface HYPE about "preventative health care", there's clearly a vested interest in NOT preventing disease and NOT promoting what will eliminate diseases...

Consider the use of the word "preventative" before the word "health-care"… WHAT does this tell the brain? -- It indicates to the brain that the goal is to PREVENT health... It seems wise to be a curious, questioning, reasoning investigator to determine what is beneficial and harmful... In the process, when becoming aware of myths, deceptions and ignorance, it seems most wise to simply acknowledge them and avoid them.

Have you ever wondered why humankind keeps trading one form of illness and suffering for another form??? ... For instance, it seems that some methods used to prevent childhood diseases, later in life cause many forms of cancers and degenerative conditions... Is this a wise "trade"?

REMEMBER: The intent of the Liberty Zone Cafe is NOT to dwell on those arena over which an individual has little or no control... While at times, such "out of my control (at least at this moment)" might be pointed out... the INTENT is to identify the aspects over which an individual has personal control and can make choices to produce desired results... For example, the depth of our breathing, the water and foods we each ingest, the amount of muscle exercise, are very much within our personal choice-making realm... With the vast amount of information now available, it's also within our personal realm (and responsibility) to discover how each of these is likely to affect our body and state of being... As is discovered in reading information in these resources, MANY FACTORS NOW beyond my personal control, with accurate knowledge and re-positioning can be BROUGHT INTO my realm of control... Success engineering is based on understanding reality and learning the skills to consciously and beneficially work with reality to produced desirable results.

Continue exploring this Internet University and enjoy partaking of the bountiful rewards...

The Fat Be Gone MAGIC Zone deals directly with food consumption aspects for Happy Healthy Longevity...

Remember this site is under construction!

The Liberty Zone Cafe can be your connection place too.

You are welcome to e-mail ideas, suggestions,
links, and information that you would like this site to contain.